Partial Dentures

If you have some healthy teeth, then partial dentures are for you.

Partial dentures are an amazing solution for patients who have some remaining healthy teeth, with the strength to support a partial denture. These aren’t only amazing for enhancing and restoring your smile and aesthetic appearance, but they can aid and restore your ability to eat and speak. 

These are custom-made to perfectly fit your mouth and gums, and look like a natural extension of your teeth. Partial dentures use clasps that attach themselves to the neighbouring teeth.

Elderly man on a review of a dentist, sitting in a chair
Senior Woman Sitting In A Chair Looking At Her Teeth with partial dentures In The Mirror

Patient-centred denture therapy for partial fittings

We take a patient-centred and therapeutic approach to your partial dentures. If you’ve never experienced partial dentures, there are going to be plenty of unknowns and aspects you’ll need to adjust to. A lot of dental clinics view dentures as an appliance we create and send you on your way with. 

At Galon Dental Prosthetics, we know we need to work with you first, to understand your lifestyle and how you use your teeth to create the very best set of partial dentures. We need to adjust your expectations, provide you with education, and guide you to make the most of your dentures to set you up for success long-term.

We bring a therapeutic approach to partial dentures

The form, fit, and function of your dentures are our top priority. To achieve this, it’s more than just taking an impression of your mouth and creating your partial dentures. We’ll have a conversation with you, where we run you through what to expect, how to overcome any issues you have along the way and adjust your expectations so you’re in the very best frame of mind to make your partial dentures work for you.
dentist showing dentures to an Old man sitting in a dentistry room
Pretty young woman at the Dentist for partial dentures

Improve the function of your mouth as you eat and speak

Partial dentures aren’t just about your smile — although, that is an absolutely vital aspect of these appliances. Partial dentures are built strong and are designed to attach to your existing teeth in a way that allows you to restore the full function of your mouth and teeth.

You'll be able to eat and speak, just like you use to.

We're big on the fit, function, and comfort of your dentures

When you receive your partial dentures, there’s a bit of an adjustment period. When you team up with Galon Dental Prosthetics for this process, we’ll work with you to give you the very best preparation, so you can get through this period quicker and begin enjoying life with your partial dentures sooner.

The fit, function, and comfort are all key aspects of how your partial dentures feel. We’ll use our expert impressions and specialist knowledge to create an excellent denture, and then we’ll provide you with the support and adjustments you need to make it fit as perfectly as we possibly can for you.

happy elderly man healthy senior confident smile with beautiful white teeth from denture prosthetics.

Why choose Galon for your partial dentures?

Support & guidance at every step

We're here for you, from your initial consultation to the final fitting. You'll receive the best support and guidance at every step.

We're specialists in dentures

Dentures are our specialty. Our expertise, unique process, and attention to detail make our dentures a step above.

A focus on function & comfort

We'll make sure your partial dentures fit perfectly, enhance your mouth's function as you eat and talk, and, most importantly, ensure you feel comfortable.

Next-level patient care

We're committed to taking our patient care to the next level. You'll get the very best from your initial consult and fitting, to your eventual denture reline.


Frequently Asked Questions

We know partial dentures come with some unknowns. Take a look at some of our most frequently asked questions or get in touch with our friendly team.

Yes, partial dentures are designed to restore your ability to chew and eat comfortably. Initially, you may need to adjust to wearing them and start with softer foods, before you gradually progress to a normal diet.

The adjustment period varies from person to person. It may take a few weeks for your mouth to adapt to the presence of partial dentures. Initially, you may experience some soreness or discomfort, but with time and proper care, these issues should subside.

While there might be a slight adjustment period, most people adapt to speaking with partial dentures relatively quickly. Practice speaking aloud and your speech will become more natural and clear.

To maintain good oral hygiene and prolong the lifespan of your partial dentures, it’s important to clean them daily. Remove and rinse them after meals, brush them gently with a soft denture brush, and soak them in a denture cleaner overnight. Avoid using hot water or abrasive cleaners that could damage the dentures.

Partial dentures are designed to blend seamlessly with your existing teeth, enhancing your smile and its appearance. We take great care to ensure a natural-looking fit and colour match, so you can confidently show off your smile.

The answer to partial dentures in Moreton Bay & North Brisbane

We’re the Moreton Bay and North Brisbane region’s go-to for partial dentures.

Speak with one of our denture therapy specialists today

Get in touch with our team to book your initial consultation for your dentures today.