For Dentists

Make a referral

We welcome referrals from dentists and hospitals. Patients in need of mouthguards, dentures, and immediate dentures are welcome to contact us independently, or you can provide them with a referral to bring along. 

We understand the importance of immediate dentures and will endeavour to make these appointments a priority in our clinic.

Dental chair and other accessories used by dentists

Looking for a clinic?

Galon Dental Prosthetics currently has a vacant dental clinic here on-site. Set up with all necessary dental equipment and facilities, this clinic is ready for a dentist to simply move in and begin practising. We’d love to invite a new dentist into the space, allowing a positive and convenient business relationship for referrals.

If you're interested in leasing the space, please get in touch with our team. 

Trusted by dentists across the Moreton Bay region

science applied to life
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Speak with one of our denture therapy specialists today

Get in touch with our team to book your initial consultation for your dentures today.